Katunskiy BR was established as a strict nature reserve in 1991. It is located in the Central Altai Mountains on the border of Russia and Kazakhstan. The area of the reserve, which is now the core zone of the BR, is 151,000 hectares. In 1998 it was designated as the UNESCO World Heritage site “Golden Mountains of Altai” along with other natural areas in the Russian portion of Altai. In 2000, more than 600,000 hectares of this protected area and adjoining lands with traditional land uses were designated as the Biosphere Reserve. There are 9 villages within the BR, with a total population of about 4500 people.
Телефон оперативного дежурного: 8 (38848) 22-9-46
649490, Россия, Республика Алтай, с. Усть-Кокса, ул. Заповедная, 1.
т. (38848) 22-9-46, 23-1-43 katunskiy@mail.ru
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2009 - 2025 гг.